Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 2:08 AM, Jun 8, 2024

Producers & Distributors of High Quality Australian Film and Television

We've got quality not quantity. We break the ice for others to follow.

On this site you will find details of our past film production, direct sales info, 

who we are, what we've got in development plus bits about our heros.

Our Heroes - People we think are worth their salt

John Cooper Clarke

JCC cropped

John Cooper Clarke is one of our favourite poets.  His tight rhythms and sharp insights have outlived the punk scene in which he first emerged, opening for acts such as The Clash, Joy Division and Elvis Costello.  He's one of England's National Treasures.  The following interview with John appeared in the English magazine The Idler which gives a great insight into his thinking and how amphetamines saved western democracy

Read more: John Cooper Clarke

David Sanderson

Dave SandersonDavid Sanderson, cinematographer.  

1949 - 2010 


Read more: David Sanderson

Reg Evans

regevans 2 Reg Evans Actor 1928-2009

In February 2009 Reg and his partner Angela died in the firestorm of bushfires that swept Victoria. He served in the R.A.F. during the War and migrated to Australia afterwards. A much loved actor, he had appeared in films, TV and on stage. Kind, a great sense of humour and promoter of the arts - he is greatly missed. His body has not been found

Read more: Reg Evans

Terry Southern

Terry Southern - Screen Writer, Absurdist and Cultural Seer.The Hippest Guy The The Planet 

Screen Writer, Absurdist and Cultural Seer.
The Hippest Guy On The The Planet

Read more: Terry Southern

Frank Hurley


Frank Hurley

The cameraman's cameraman. When they talk about twentieth century cinematography, his name will always be there.

Read more: Frank Hurley