Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 2:08 AM, Jun 8, 2024

Producers & Distributors of High Quality Australian Film and Television

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Smart St inks sales pact with NITV

Category: News

Smart St. has just reached agreement for the new National Indigenous TV network (NITV) to acquire a package of our films. The network which began broadcasting in December has purchased BACKROADS, NINGLA-A‘NA, TWO LAWS and PROTECTED.

These works are rare and important historical films about the struggle for justice and land rights by indigenous Australians.   The network is rushing them to air in January.   “Protected” will air on January 9th whilst “Backroads” and “Ningla-A’Na” will form a high profile double bill at prime time on Australia/Invasion Day January 26th.

Backroads, directed by Philip Noyce and starring Gary Foley and Bill Hunter is a classic road movie, Ningla - A’Na is Allessandro Cavadini’s unique record of the establishment of the Aboriginal tent embassy in 1972, Two Laws is an investigation of the relationship between the laws of white Australia and those of the people of the Borolloola community in the Northern Territory and Protected looks at the history of Palm Island, a concentration camp created to house disparate indigenous groups from around Queensland.

These films are available on DVD from smartstreetfilms.com.au